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Pine Village to Offer Sewing Class

Shelby Shaw

Have you ever wanted to learn to sew? Pine Village is offering a sewing/quilting class beginning October 5 (this Friday!). The talented Rhonda Rice-Johnson will serve as the instructor and the first project will be a Christmas table runner. The class will meet each Friday at 2 p.m. and you will need to bring your own sewing machine. The October 5 class will be informational, and on October 12 you will take a trip to the sewing store to get supplies together (so if you have no idea what a thimble is, someone will be there to help you!). Then, the remainder of the classes will be dedicated to making your project. The class will be about seven weeks. The class is open to anyone and you can sign up by contacting Crystal Schwartz in the Wellness Center at 620.345.2900. Hope to see you there!

Be kind to one another!

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