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Mabel Goering Named Outstanding Volunteer

Shelby Shaw

Volunteers are literally the backbone of the Pine Village community, and, while I’m biased, I know that we are truly blessed with the best volunteers! This week we hosted our annual Volunteer Luncheon as a small token of our appreciation for all the time, talent and energy volunteers give to Pine Village. We also highlighted an Outstanding Volunteer of the Year. This year we surprised Mabel Goering with this honor.

Mabel has lived at Pine Village for more than 20 years and she’s probably been volunteering in one form or another all those years too. A few years ago I had the privilege of interviewing Mabel for the Gazette’s Resident Highlights and Mabel mentioned that her favorite part about being on campus is the people. Her love for people is reflected through her volunteerism.

Mabel has been the one to always welcome new residents to Krehbiel Apartments and let them know the ins and outs of being a new resident. She also delivered mail to residents in healthcare, assisted living and memory care for many years. Her smile and friendly chatter always brightens a room. Mabel also has been involved in many capacitates with the Benefit Day events throughout the years, and the list goes on and on!

Mabel’s giving spirit is a blessing and we’re so thankful she chooses Pine Village to share it with! If you see Mabel around town, be sure to congratulate her! Thanks, Mabel, for all you do for Pine Village!

Be kind to one another!

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