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About Us

Pine Village was established in 1958 as Memorial Home; a non-profit continuing care retirement community. Sponsored by 9 area churches, Pine Village offers a Christian, caring campus where elders can relax, enjoy and live the life they want!


General Information


The forty-acre Pine Village campus includes a 60-bed health care neighborhood, 19 assisted living apartments, a 14-bed memory care neighborhood, 19 independent living apartments, and 62 independent living homes, is home to more than 200 residents.


Pine Village is a person-centered care home, and strives to care of the whole person- body, mind and spirit. With the primary goal of keeping residents safe, Pine Village works with residents and families individually to determine resident preferences and do our best to uphold those.

Pine Village
Board of Directors

Erin Rosfeld, President

Sara Smoker, Secretary
Linda Goering, Treasurer

Michelle Durst

Leon Guhr

Larry Loganbill

Sara Nuzum

Theo Rempel

Mark Stucky

Best piano teacher ever



Pine Village, formally Memorial Home, began as a personal gift of land by Katie Krehbiel who knew after becoming seriously ill, that she could no longer go back to her own home to live alone. She and her family searched for a nursing home but there were no available openings. A relative of Katie’s had some years before suggesting to her that the home place would be a fine location for older people. Now out of her own frustrations and fears, Katie became personally aware of the need of such special housing. In her will, Katie bequeathed 80 acres and the improvements on it to the Western District Conference of the

General Conference Mennonite Church for the purpose of establishing a home for the aged as a memorial to her parents. And after some time had passed, the work began, garnering support from the Moundridge community and area churches. Many times in the early beginnings, Psalm 71:9 was quoted frequently: “Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.” The tone was somber, but

the dutywas clear.


As the history continues to unfold, Pine Village provides an important service
to those people who choose to reside and receive care within our facilities.

Click here to see a map of the campus.
 Katie Krehbiel

About the Community


Pine Village is located in a rural setting less than one mile south of Moundridge, Kansas. Nestled just off ofI-135, Moundridge offers relaxed, small town daily living, but a quick 10-45 minute drive to big city amenities. To serve the community at large, the City of Moundridge has a medical clinic with four physicians, an active ambulance service to serve its medical needs, a fire department, a dental clinic, banking services, a public library, restaurants, and the best hardware store and lumberyard for miles around!

Moundridge is located in the heart of the southern medical hub for the state of Kansas as there are more than five major medical facilities less than 45 minutes away.


Visit the City of Moundridge website at or its Facebook page to learn more about opportunities and services available to those who choose to become part of the Pine Village community.

City of Moundridge
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